Wednesday, December 17, 2008

All Snowed In...

So this is what I woke up to this morning @ 6:30am and it hasn't stopped. I have never seen this much snow in my life. So of course I had to call into work and make it a snow day.

And our lights.. turned into the real things..LOL.

Who would of thought we'd ever get this much snow?? Hope everyone had a fun and safe day. Hope tomorrow is safer and we can all return to work.. I know I need the money..LOL

Sunday, November 30, 2008

To Catch You Up On Everything....

So it's been awhile since I've been on and posted anything. So I have no clue where to start..LOL. So I'll just start things off with me and Ryan.

Ryan has been going to UC Berkeley now since August.. He's going to be finishing up his first semester there in the next couple of weeks. We are doing great. I was scared at first because of comments that people would make... but it's actually made our relationship a lot stronger. Since he's been gone he has came home I think three times. I love when he comes home, but the good byes never get easier. He actually left today to go back up there and I was crying :( It's very hard but we remind ourselves of the good that will come out of it.

He's doing well but it's a big struggle for him. There is a class or two that is kicking his butt.. but he never gives up.

I ended up cutting my hair off.... yeah I just went in to add some color and as she was washing it out I told her to cut it off and don't show me until she was done..LOL. And it came out actually cute. I'm pleased.

But I think I want to cut it a little bit more..LOL. We'll see

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's getting harder

Ryan came back from Berkeley on Saturday and they got an apartment. Let me tell you.. this whole experiance is so bittersweet. I want to be so happy and excited for him... but at the same time I'm scared. His move in date is August 14th.. my birthday is August 16th... he starts school on the 25th our anniversary is the 24th. Can timing be any worse...LOL. Gosh. So my first few weeks I can tell are going to be the hardest. And at the same time... I want to spend time with him... but I don't get the vibe back from him. So it kind of sucks really. And Rachel, I know you went through this with Andy... I hope you have some good advice...LOL.
Last night I don't know if I was dreaming about something or not.. but I woke up around 3am and instantly started thinking about Ryan leaving... I got up went to the bathroom... and cuddled up next to him in bed... and cried queitly. I haven't even told him that's why I cuddled with him last night. It's so hard.. and I still have 5 weeks to go...LOL. I need Dr. Phil...LOL LOL

(rach be happy... second one :D yay)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just Updating Everyone..

It's been awhile since I've "blogged"... Sorry Rachel :( So I decided I would write a blog and update everyone on what has been going on in my life.

Ryan is getting ready to leave for UC Berkeley. I went to Walmart last weekend and bought him some hangers, an alarm clock, toothpaste, and a hamper. I thought it was cute.. Ryan just laughed at me..LOL. Ryan and his friend, Sonny (sonny also got accepted and will be attending CAL) left this morning at 5am to find an apartment. And I think they had some luck.

My puppies are doing great. We are actually taking a day trip up to Vegas, because of a family get together.. so they get to stay with their great grandparents.. aka Mom and Pop :D

I'm doing okay. Thinking about getting a new job. It makes me sad only because I've worked there for almost 4 years. But with Ryan leaving I need to pay bills... and I don't think I'll be able to do it. Even if they gave me a $1 raise.. they already don't pay me what I should be making.. so it might be good for me to get out there.. especially if I can find somewhere that will pay me what I should be making.
Also, I'm kinda bummed. Next weekend there is a fundraiser in memory of our great friend, Wes. And Ryan and I won't be able to attend :( Ryan has a family thing in Vegas.. that I somewhat talked about when I was talking about my pups. But happens that those two important events are on the same day :( It just sucks. But Wes's brother, Chris, said not to worry because he is sure they'll be more. :D I love Wes and we both miss him so much.

Anyway... I hope everyone is doing great. I'll try to keep up with my blogging.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Girls Day Out!!!

- Me, My Mommy, & My Grandma set out on our very own girls day out. We headed to Ventura for shopping, eating and more shopping :D

(the picture above is my cute grandma and my wonderful mommy once we arrived in Ventura)

(above is a picture of Ventura's Bay. I thought this was pretty! It did scare me however to think about how much fish is there. For those who don't know.. I'm so afraid of fish)

-after walking and mostly shopping, we headed over to the Ventura Pier and ate lunch at Ericcson's. It was delicious. Even thought everything mostly involved fish YUCK. My Grandma and my Mommy both got themselves a $55 lobster tail.. how nasty huh...LOL. It was funny. They made fun of me because I just ordered a salad w/ Chicken..LOL

(above is my grandma and her lobster.. she wore a sticker I gave her that said "my grandkids love me."
(above is my mommy and her lobster)
(me and my yummy salad with NO fish.. but my chicken looks like a starfish..LOL)

-After eating lunch we headed back to the shops we were at before lunch. We went for coffee and pastries.. but we shopped some more...LOL. The best store we went into was "The Hat Store". By the pictures below you can just imagine how much fun we had. Enjoy and don't laugh at me too hard in my airplane picture..LOL

-After we were done being silly we headed over to this little shop where we sat down and had coffee and bread pudding. Afterwards we had our little photo time at the end of the day.

-After that we headed home. I would have to say that was the best Mother's Day I have ever spend with my Mommy and My Grandma. We are thinking of making it a tradition. And also thinking about doing it on Father's Day...LOL LOL.

I hope everyone had a great mother's day! Mothers are one of the best things the God created. I love them so much. Not all mommy's are perfect.. but perfect or not they will always love you. And that is why they deserve so much :D

Friday, May 9, 2008


Yesterday while I was at work a patient came in with some flowers. I was sitting behind the charts eatting my lunch and I over heard him chatting with the front desk. He brought 2 little things of flowers for the front desk and gave them to Rachel while he kept one and told her, "this one is for Marissa", it was a pink rose. After I was done eatting I came out and he gave me the rose. He told me he gave it to me because I smiled at him the last time he came in. I said thank you ... and told me that I should always have a smile on my face.

I called Ryan and told him that some 52 years old was hitting on his girlfriend .. but his response was, "your smile can do that to people"...LOL. It was a little thing that made my day.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

So Proud!!


Not to long after Ryan and I started dating, we both started to go back to school. We are pretty good at pushing each other to do better in life. So he made a dream or I'll say goal to get into Berkeley or UCLA for Mechanical Engineering.
He applied to:
  • UC Irvine
  • UC San Deigo
  • UC Northridge
  • UCLA
  • UC Berkeley

Now out of all 5 of the schools... HE GOT INTO ALL OF THEM!!!

I can't explain how proud of him I am. It's an amazing feeling watching the one you love accomplish so much. He had to work very hard and proved to a lot of people they were wrong. Now he has a big decision. It's between UCLA and UC Berkeley. Berkeley looks like their giving him a lot more money then UCLA, but UCLA is a lot closer to home and he is afraid and scared of the dramatic change it will cause in his life to more to San Fransico. I love him and will be there for him no matter what school he decides to go to.